Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars Body Count Breakdown

Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009

[Character Kills]

Swordflower (Sibelle Hu): 3
Muscles’ Associate (Andy Lau): 3
Assassin With Mustache (Fat Chung): 3 (1 shared with Norton and Kurata)
Caucasian Assassin (Richard Norton): 1 (shared with Chung and Kurata)
Japanese Assassin (Yasuaki Kurata): 1 (shared with Norton and Chung)
Fastbuck (Sammo Hung Kam-Bo): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

Windsurfing: 3
-The hitmen team shoots Ma while on parachutes
-The mustached assassin blows up the Ma’s boat with his 2 assistants still on board

Chalet: 5
-Transsexual fighters accidentally kills 1 of their own
-Fastbuck knocks 1 transsexual fighter off a rather high balcony, who lands headfirst on the ground floor
-Swordflower shoots 3 transsexual fighters offscreen

Warehouse: 4
-Muscles’ associate shoots 2 thugs
-Muscles’ associate smashes 1 thug headfirst through a window which seemed fatal enough for a kill
-Cops shoots 1 thug

[The Final Tally= 12]