Attack Force (2006): Body Count Breakdown

Attack Force (2006) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Marshall Lawson (Steven Seagal) – 9
Tia (Lisa Lovbrand) – 2
Dwayne Dixon (David Kennedy) – 3
Aroon (Adam Croasdell) – 2
Reina (Evelyne Armela O’Bami) – 5


Research Center – 11
-4 security personnels shot
-Truck blown up, killing its driver
-Attack Force member cuts 1 thug’s throat
-Helicopter gunner shoots 4 thugs
-MaRshall stabs 1 thug

Roadside – 2
-2 innocent people killed by Reina

Suite – 3
-Terrorists kills 3 of Marshall’s teammates

Moment of Intimacy – 1

-Reina stabs 1 guy

Alley – 4
-CTX infected kills 4 undercover agents

Majestic Research Facility – 1
-Reina stabs 1 guard

Running out of Patience – 1

-Marshall stabs Reina

Direct Confrontation – 12
-Thugs shoots 1 guard
-Attack Force troops shoots 1 thug
-Marshall cuts 1 thug’s throat
-Tia shoots 2 thugs
-3 thugs and 2 Attack Force Troopers killed
-Marshall shoots 2 thugs

Church – 1

-Priest seen dead, killed by CTX infected

CTX Mass Infection – 26
-Marshall shoot 2 infected victims
-Infected kills 2 troops
-Infected snaps 1 troop’s neck
-Infected stabs 1 troop
-Attack Force Troops shoots 7 infected
-2 dead troops seen
-Aroon cuts Tia’s throat
-Infected kills 2 troop
-Aroon cuts 1 troop’s neck
-Infected whore cuts down 1 troop
-Marshall stabs Aroon
-Dwayne forces 1 infected to shoot another, then himself
-Dwayne stabs 1 infected
-Marshall stabs infected whore
-Dwayne bleeds out to death